Nathan Ashworth wrote:
Thanks, Filip.

Upon further investigation, we've discovered that our POSTs were bigger than
the default maxPostSize value (2MB). The call to getParameter("foo") was
returning null and doing a trace showed that the client was not sending the
good catch
It appears that Tomcat is returning "100 Continue" immediately, and then
when it starts to read the body [as part of getParameter()] it notices that
Content-Length is greater than maxPostSize and it skips the body.
ack happens right away, regardless of body.
Wouldn't it be better if Tomcat looked at the Content-Length before it
acknowledges the request? Maybe reply with a 417 instead?
not sure why it would not ack the request. its gonna do that everytime.
However, if the knows that the body wont fit, it could throw an exception to the app, so that one knows what went wrong.

you can always open a bug or enhancement request in bugzilla


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