Eric B. wrote:
> However, all this begs the question - what is the difference between mod_jk 
> which communicates via AJP and mod_proxy_ajp?  Doesn't mod_proxy_ajp just 
> communicate via the AJP protocol as well?  In which case, isn't that 
> tantamount to having the same issues/considerations as the AJP protocol in 
> the first place?

I don't tend to work on the mod_jk / mod_proxy_ajp code so others will be able
to give you more detail.

mod_proxy_ajp is a port of mod_jk to the mod_proxy_* framework. It added
mod_proxy_balancer and mod_proxy_ajp. Both use the AJP protocol and the Tomcat
connector is exactly the same.

The main issue is that bugs tend to get fixed faster in mod_jk so it is
generally more stable. That said, the code changes faster in mod_jk so there is
also a greater risk of a regression. Overall, general experience to date has
shown mod_jk to be a better choice than mod_proxy_ajp.


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