> From: makaira nigricans [mailto:liame.e...@yahoo.com]
> Subject: RE: Tomcat in-memory (session) cookie
> And is there in-memory cookie which generates on every get
> and post request?

First, let's do the terminology: there's no such thing as an "in-memory 
cookie".  A cookie is just a piece of information passed back and forth between 
a client and a server that preserves state information for an otherwise 
stateless connection.  Clients (browsers) usually persist cookies on disk, but 
Tomcat and webapps running therein don't know or care about that.

What Tomcat keeps track of is the HttpSession object, one attribute of which is 
the JSESSIONID value.

> Or add more values to this cookie?

To repeat: it's not a cookie, it's an HttpSession object.  If you look at the 
servlet spec and the API doc for HttpSession, you'll see the setAttribute() and 
removeAttribute() methods, which you may utilize as you see fit.  If you want 
to send additional cookies to the client, you'll need to use the addCookie() 
method of HttpServletResponse, again documented in the spec and API pages:

> You said that through the HttpSession object I can access
> the cookies

No, he said you can access *attributes*, not cookies.

> Does this means that I can add more values to
> JSESSIONID cookie?!

No, but you can add more attributes (names and values) to the *session* object.

 - Chuck

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