Pat Riehecky wrote:
> I have been trying to install a tomcat app onto a fresh Ubuntu box (8.04
> tomcat 5.5), but when attempting to view the app's pages I get
> HTTP Status 404 - 
> ________________________________________________________________________
> type Status report
> message 
> description The requested resource () is not available.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Apache Tomcat/5.5
> I know this is well before my app starts up, but I haven't a clue what
> to do about it.  When I google the error I get dozens of suggestions,
> each of which says not to do the other unless I know what I am doing.
> I don't.
> What doc should I read/what should I do?  What does this mean?
> Pat
>...I know this is well before my app starts up...

Ok... I'm confused.  If it's not running yet, why should anything but a
404 show up?

In any problem, the first place to look is the logs.  Second is the
tomcat docs to verify things are setup correctly.  Actually in your
case, if this tomcat came with Ubuntu, maybe the second place to look is
the Ubuntu docs for this package.

After that, we need more information like where things were installed
and what was attempted in what order, ...etc., ...  We can't see over
your shoulder. :-)


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