Hi folks!

We have a web application that runs on tomcat 5.5. It`s an productive envrionment.
Tomcat 5.5 is installed as a Service on a Windows Server 2003.

I have started the tomcat with the java option "-Xrunhprof:heap=sites,depth=10,file=C:\hprof.txt".
These settings I have done by the tomcat configuration gui (tomcat5w.exe).

The file in C:\hprof.txt was already created after starting the service.
However no further information except the general infos were written. I cannot force the tomcat to dump the trace file. If you stop as usual the service (with the services in the control settings) no file is created.
If you kill the process via the task manager no file is created.

I have read that you can force to write that information if you`d start the tomcat via console
and afterwards kill the tomcat via CTRL+C.
Unfortunately my environment doesn`t use this configuration for tomcat 5.5.
The environment is an productive one.

Many thanks for help in advanced.



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