> From: allen.ir...@smartintegration.com.au
> [mailto:allen.ir...@smartintegration.com.au]
> Subject: RE: Connection Pooling questions
>   <Resource name="jdbc/AttunitySProcDS" auth="Container"
>             type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>             driverClassName="com.attunity.jdbc.NvDriver"
> url="jdbc:attconnect://;DefTdpName=webdemo"
>             maxActive="50" maxIdle="10"/>

You said maxActive was 30, but it's 50 in your config.  I've never used the 
Attunity drivers, but the above looks ok as far as I can tell; perhaps someone 
else might see a problem.  You might want to consider adding these:


That will tell you if the pool thinks you're returning connections or not.  
Change the timeout setting (in seconds) to whatever you think is appropriate.

> so you're saying that the pool will never close any of the connections
> due to them not being used?

Correct; that's normally left up to the database.

> Here's the block I use:
>               finally
>               {
>                       // cleanup
>                       if (cs != null) cs.close();
>                       if (conn != null) conn.close();
>               }
> Where cs = the statement.

If the cs.close() throws an exception, you won't close the connection.  Do you 
only ever have one statement per connection?  And depending on the location of 
the finally block relative to the rest of the code, you might not even go 
through there.

> I don't close the result set as closing the
> statement is supposed to do that.

Regardless, it's good practice to clean up DB resources explicitly, preferably 
as soon as you're done with them.

> Maybe this timeout value is what I'm looking for?

Depends on what you want; for a production environment, you never want the 
connections to close.  They're cheap to keep around but expensive to create.

 - Chuck

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