Hi Rainer.

<wild guess>
> I remember problems with clustering which were of the following kind:
> session replication data was received on a node although the context
> wasn't yet fully initialized.
> Maybe we run into classloader troubles in that case?
> This could only happen if another node in the cluster is running all the
> time between stop and restart of the node, which logs the exception.
> This could certainly be the case as I have 4 nodos in cluster. I
stop/restart one by one, in order to ensure the availability of the webapp.

> How easy can your reproduce the problem? In case I provide a patch,
> could you test, whether the problem goes away?
> </wild guess>
Taking into account that this is a production server, it won't be easy to
play with it, but I can propose to take 2 nodes out of the cluster to do
testing with.

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