Andre, Thanks for pointing out the high KeepAliveTimeout value in the
config file. I have read the docs and have changed it to 5 seconds
(which is the default).

I am hoping that Rainer could find out from the thread dump where the
requests are getting stuck, so that I can put this issue to bed.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 1:53 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:
> Joe Hansen wrote:
>> Thank you for the reply, Andre.
>> I now understand how setting KeepAlive to On would improve the
>> performance of a website (The Apache manual says that a 50% increase
>> in throughput could be expected). So I changed the KeepAlive to On and
>> restarted the server.
> Now wait.
> You should probably then lower your setting for KeepAliveTimeout (to 3
> e.g.), otherwise you may make the problem much worse.
> Read conscienciously the relevant Apache doc page :
> The point with KeepAlive is :
> - the browser makes a connection and issues a first request
> - the webserver dedicates a child (or thread) to this connection, and passes
> it the first request
> - the child/thread responds to the first request, and then waits for more
> - the browser, in the response page, finds more links. Over the same TCP
> connection, it sends the next request
> - the same child/thread - which was waiting on that connection - receives
> the new request, and responds to it. Then it waits again for the next one.
> - etc..
> - until at some point, the browser does not issue any additional requests on
> the connection. Then, *after the KeepAliveTimeout has expired*, the
> child/thread gives up, closesthe connection, and returns to the pool
> available for other requests from other browsers
> So the point is, if the KeepAliveTimeout is long (like 15 seconds), it means
> that a child/thread may be kept waiting, for nothing, up to that many
> seconds, although there is nothing coming anymore.
>> I however wonder if this will fix the issue. The reason being, I
>> haven't changed the website code at all the past few months and there
>> hasn't been any increase in the website traffic too. Hence I am unable
>> to understand why we are suddenly seeing an increase in the number of
>> httpd processes. The only thing I changed is the session-timeout value
>> from 30 minutes to 240 minutes.
> I guess that this is the Tomcat session timeout.  That should have nothing
> to do with the above.  I don't think that for Tomcat, a "session" is linked
> to a connection. It is more of a set of data saved somewhere, linked to the
> Tomcat session-id (the JSESSIONID cookie for instance).  Tomcar retrieves it
> whenever a request comes in with the same session-id number.  But it should
> not matter whether it is on the same TCP connection or not.
> What may be linked together however, is that one request to httpd results in
> one child/thread busy with it at the Apache httpd level. If that request is
> being forwarded to Tomcat by mod_jk, then it also holds onto one
> mod_jk/Tomcat connection. This connection then holds on to one thread in
> Tomcat, until the Tomcat thread (+webapp) has supplied the full response.
> All the while, this whole chain is unavailable for other requests.  Thus, if
> there are many such requests under way, many Apache children/threads are
> busy, and Apache httpd will start additional ones (up to its limit) to
> service new requests that come in.
> So if for some reason, your Tomcat requests now take longer to be serviced,
> that should also, by retro-effect, increase the number of httpd
> children/threads being started.
> The bottleneck would be in Tomcat, but it would show up at the httpd level.
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