A question:

Do you guys use hot deployment of applications? If you do *not*, then
Joseph’s tips are the first things to look at, in short it is the
application code keeping too many references.

If you do hot deployment, then the number of possibilities goes up
significantly. Now you are also talking about references to class loaders
and memory cleanup at shutdown, which is another topic altogether.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Joseph Morgan <joseph.mor...@ignitesales.com
> wrote:

> I hope Mr. Caldarale answered your question, because you may otherwise
> be looking at the 800lb Gorilla in the room.
> Memory problems within Tomcat could be a number of very hard to see
> things, but some quick candidates are:
> * Programmers caching too much data from the DB (or file system) into
> context attributes
> * Programmers using context attributes to store session data
> * Programmers pushing too much data into session attributes
> * Session timeout is set too high and sessions aren't timing out

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