Hello everyone,

first time posting to this list, so please don't be too hard with me ;-)

We have a problem with the session stickyness of mod_jk in the context
of image requests. First of all, here is our setup:

3 servers running Tomcat 5.5.x with AJP connector
2 servers running Apache webserver 2.2.x with mod_jk 1.2.28

The webservers are configured independently to balance between all three
appservers. Sessions are _not_ synchronized between the appservers. We
serve mobile content, so most of the incoming requests are from mobile

The problem is that our webapp renders images on-the-fly for incoming
requests to content pages. That means, that image requests need use the
same session as the request to the content page. They have to hit the
same appserver because the images are just not present on the other

We configured our webapp to use cookies or - if cookies are not
available - do url rewriting. This seems to work fine for say 90% of our
requests. But it seems like some devices just don't send the session ID
cookie with image requests. They send the cookie with the request to the
content page but not with the following image requests.

Could this be a configuration problem on our side? Or is this something
some devices do wrong? If so, has anyone an idea how to circumvent this

Greetings from Germany,
Timo Kockert


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