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On 3/8/2010 12:53 PM, Aggarwal, Ajay wrote:
> Sometimes on a busy system I have seen that "catalina.sh stop" does take
> a long time to shutdown tomcat.

You might want to investigate why this is happening: my Tomcat instances
(we have 4 in production) take only a few seconds to shut down completely.

> We are running another "monitoring
> service" on the system that monitors tomcat and few other system
> services. After issuing "catalina.sh" and waiting for some time (up to
> 25 seconds) it loses patience and gives a SIGTERM to tomcat process.
> SIGTERM seems to bring tomcat down much faster.


> What is  the downside of using SIGTERM, if any?

I tried issuing a SIGTERM to my JVM/Tomcat process running in
development, and I got some messages in the app log file that indicated
that the webapp was coming down. But, I didn't get any "shutting down"
messages in catalina.out which leads me to believe that the shutdown
wasn't entirely clean.

> It does seem to bring
> tomcat down in an orderly manner and much faster than "catalina.sh
> stop".

Well, definitely faster, but I'm not sure about orderly: you should
check to see what things aren't stopping and determine if they are
potentially disastrous it TERMinated.

- -chris
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