For starting Tomcat in Eclipse, check this out:

As for the other part, I'm not really sure at all. Good luck, though.


On Apr 16, 2010, at 3:07 AM, Rhino wrote:

> I hope someone will take pity on me and help me with this very basic 
> question. I was moderately fluent with servlets and Tomcat several years ago 
> but haven't touched them in a while. I'm trying to get back into servlets now.
> I am having trouble getting my servlets to start in Tomcat. I inevitably get 
> a 404 error. I am running Tomcat 6.0.26 on Windows XP SP2. The sample 
> applications in Tomcat run fine.
> My servlets are in Eclipse 3.5.2. They compile fine and I have used the 
> Tomcat menu to export them to the war file directory; no error gets reported 
> when I do the export. I did a manual deploy of the war file from the "war 
> file to deplay section of the Tomcat Manager page.
> When I start the Tomcat Manager in my browser, it shows several servlets, 
> including the examples and the servlets that I have deployed myself. In each 
> case, my own servlets seem to be started just fine. All of them say 
> "running", the number of sessions is 0 for each of them, and all of them have 
> stop, reload and undeploy options which are clickable and a start option 
> which is not clickable. To me, that says these puppies are started and there 
> is no error in any of them.
> However, when I click on my servlets, like /FileUploadServlet for example, I 
> get this:
> HTTP Status 404 - /FileUploadServlet/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *type* Status report
> *message* _/FileUploadServlet/_
> *description* _The requested resource (/FileUploadServlet/) is not available._
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Apache Tomcat/6.0.26
> I feel sure that I've simply neglected to do something simple and 
> straightforward but my memory is failing me. I can't remember what other 
> steps are needed to get a servlet configured so that it runs in Tomcat.
> I was going to try to run the servlet in Eclipse but I'm darned if I can 
> remember how to start it there either.
> Can someone help me out?
> --
> Rhino
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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