Am 13.05.2010 10:26, schrieb Pid:
On 13/05/2010 01:15, Markus Mehrwald wrote:

I installed mod_jk and it works perfect except of a little strange
problem. I let handle tomcat everything except of static files which the
following lines in the virtual host for port 80 and the same for port 443:

Exact OS, JVM, Tomcat, mod_jk versions?

CentOS 5.4 x86_64, Sun Java 1.6.0_17-b04, Tomcat 6.0.20, mod_jk 1.2.30

# Send servlet for context / jsp-examples to worker named worker1
JkMount /* worker1

# Static files in Tomcat webapp context directory are served by apache
JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT

This directive should point to the webapps directory, rather than the
ROOT application.

  JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

Without ROOT it does not work at all but I do not know why.


JkUnMount /*.jpg  worker1
JkUnMount /*.gif  worker1
JkUnMount /*.png  worker1
JkUnMount /*.js   worker1
JkUnMount /*.css  worker1

This works great for port 80 but for port 443 the javascript for the
myfaces popup component gets a http 404
Every other javascript can be retrieved on port 80 as well as on port 443.

Can anyone explain how this can happen?


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