On 17/05/2010 13:18, Mercy wrote:
> Hi,
>     Please take a look at this:
> http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/vm/gc-ergonomics.html
> *maximum heap size:*
>     Smaller of 1/4th of the physical memory or 1GB. Before J2SE 5.0, the
>     default maximum heap size was 64MB. You can override this default
>     using the |-Xmx| command-line option.
>  It does not mean just only use 1/4th, it will increase overload to
> system if more than 1/4th of the physical memory.

That part of the document only describes the initial value of the
maximum heap size parameter and how it is calculated, it doesn't make a
recommendation for what is appropriate for a given system.

I don't know what you mean by "it will increase overload to system if
more than 1/4th of the physical memory"?

>  If you had more practical setting , please tell me.

The settings will be extremely specific to each environment and the
behaviour of the applications you've deployed, both inside and outside
of the JVM.


> On 05/17/2010 06:49 PM, Pid wrote:
>> On 17/05/2010 10:29, Mercy wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     You could set the one fourth of physical memory size(the recommended
>>> heap size) for -Xms,-Xmx arguments.
>> Where does this recommendation come from?
>> It would mean that with 16Gb of RAM one should only use 4Gb for the heap.
>> p
>>> What's more, you also analyze the heap using jmap.
>>> Mercy
>>> On 05/17/2010 05:16 PM, André Warnier wrote:
>>>> Ozgur Ozdemircili wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> -Rhel 5.3 x64
>>>>> -java version "1.6.0_16"
>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
>>>>> -Apache tomcat 6.0.26
>>>>> -Dual core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3110  @ 3.00GHz  and 4 GB memory each.
>>>> Hè ? do you mean 4 Gb or 8GB total RAM ?
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