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On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Mladen Turk <> wrote:

> On 09/08/2010 05:08 PM, John Baker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I don't thikn the shutdown call is to blame - I think it's the large pile
>> of code below.  i.e. everything below the if (shutdown(..)) below.  The
>> question is, what does it all do and does it actually work?  It appears to
>> be the 'drain' code, but given it often results in this message:
>> "Shutdown socket .. and read 0 lingering bytes in 2 sec."
>> then it would suggest it doesn't work.  The comments also suggest the 2
>> seconds is "guess work".
>> I've sent SECONDS_TO_LINGER and MAX_SECS_TO_LINGER to 0 and the problem
>> goes away, and I've seen this discussed elsewhere on the forum.
>> So, if this code isn't needed, why is it still there?  And if it is
>> needed, why does it seem not to work and what is the correct figure for
>> SECONDS_TO_LINGER?  If this is being performed inline then I'd suggest 2s
>> is far too long - clients don't want to wait 2s for a request to complete
>> (ideally, socket clean up should not be done in this thread if any linger
>> is required).
> The code *is* required.
> It is used when the client disconnects while the backend
> still has some data in the AJP buffer. Drain is needed
> to read that excess data.
> If you can compile mod_jk and test, try adding some debug messages inside
> the poll loop. Anyhow, seems to me there is some sort of network
> problem you are facing.
> Have you been able to see the traffic using Wireshark?
> Regards
> --
> ^TM
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