sachin_nabble wrote:
 i build a web application with jetspeed as a server. On my portal i am
showing a table called "Student"
with his class,grade and marks. When i run my web application everything
works well & my portal shows me the correct values for marks(e.g 50.56,
90.45, 80.60 etc) My problem is while running my web application some times marks column
shows rounded off values e.g 50.56 becomes 57.0 , 80.60 becomes 81.0 . If i
restart my jetspeed then this problem gets resolved.

 Would u pls tell me what would be the cause of this problem ? is jetspeed
maintaince seperate cache which is causing this problem ?
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As you explain it above however, it sounds like the problem is more inside the web application, than anything in jetspeed itself.

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