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On 2/25/2011 1:37 PM, ahmet temiz wrote:
> Are there anythings I have to do in configuration files to
> change from development stages to production stage ?

Unless you've done foolish things in development, production
configuration should not really need any changes. Some things you might
consider changing for a production configuration:

1. Set larger number of request processors in <Connector>
2. Set <Host> autoDeploy="false"
3. Set JspServlet parameters:
   - development
   - modificationTestInterval
   - checkInterval
4. Change the number of db connections in a JNDI DataSource
   (I always use max=1 in dev, so production should clearly have more)

> Especially, what are things to deploy jsf_webapp
>  in its real host after developing it in the localhost  ?

You will also have to make sure that your URLs are built properly. If
the string "localhost" appears anywhere in your webapp, you're probbaly
doing something wrong. Also, if you're not building URLs in pages like this:

   <a href="<%= response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath()
                          + "/path/to/resource") %>">your link</a>

...then you are probably going to have problems re-locating it. Note
that the use of tag libraries for building URLs is generally a good idea
because this complexity is hidden from you.

- -chris
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