Hello Tomcat community,

I'm again experiencing an oddity with the manager app.

I'm using Tomcat 6.0.26 on Win XP Pro, and JDK 1.6.0_18. Hope I included 
everything here that's needed.

I'm not getting an error generated to the logs out of this, just the generic 
"requested resource (/manager/status) is not available." message in the browser 

Our PCs got moved the other day at work and I had the RemoteAddrValve allow 
attribute configured to my current (at the time) IP address.

I've since taken the address off entirely, tried the new IP address, all the 
while deleting the manager contents (and sub dir, too) out of the work folder, 
deleting the manager.xml file out of the  conf/Catalina/localhost directory, 
after having stopped Tomcat and prior to a restart.

I've probably asked questions of this topic before, but couldn't find anything 
specific about it in either my old emails, OR even on the Nabble forum, which I 
perused for a while, trying to find the answer.

If someone can please refresh my memory on if there's a step I'm missing, 
omitting or forgetting, that's involved to fix this, I'd greatly appreciate it!

I've also rebooted the PC, to no avail.



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