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On 4/1/2011 6:45 AM, John Baker wrote:
> In general, that's true. However, for high performance applications
> measuring results in milliseconds - ie noting that a request with
> compression takes 60ms and without takes 120ms - it's an issue. And it
> seems so easy to fix by putting compression into the Tomcat AJP
> connector. Given it's a quick fix, I was curious to why it hadn't been
> done before now?

It's not just a quick-fix: AJP is a binary protocol and simply
compressing it isn't fair to clients that wouldn't understand the

Regarding achieving compression, you have several options already. One
thing to note is that if httpd and Tomcat are on the same machine, you
are only wasting your time. With that out of the way, you have (at
least) the following options:

1. Use stunnel/ssh/etc with compression enabled. This has the
   advantage of also encrypting communications which you might want
   to do if you have components sending sensitive information across
   the network. Making sure the connection is always up might
   be a challenge, though.

2. Use your favorite VPN. These usually allow both encryption (or not)
   and compression (or not) and are generally pretty good about keeping
   themselves up and running so your app doesn't fail when it can't

3. Use mod_proxy_http and forget all about AJP entirely. AFAIK, all the
   HTTP connectors support compression.

- -chris
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