

we have a customer that is facing a situation since yesterday on two 2008R2


The IIS did without warning refuse to load the isapi_redirect-1.2.31 dll.


The error is always the same:

   Could not load all ISAPI filters for site <'the site name>'.  Therefore
site startup aborted.
  The HTTP Filter DLL
D:\PaperDynamix\IIS-Redirect\bin\isapi_redirect-1.2.28.dll failed to load.
The data is the error.


The error code in the data is 0000005


The system ran in this configuration for four month now without change on
the IIS configuration.  We replaced the redirector with the .31 version, but
this was also not loaded.


The eventlog only shows the issue above, everything else is fine. The tomcat
servers behind the IIS are running fine – no issue there. The version of the
DLL is definitely x64, we think there has been a global policy change on the
Windows domain, but this is neglected, customer says, that policies have not
been changed for some weeks. 


On the server, McAFFEE is installed, but it does not report anything, nor
does it deny loading any file (not reported at least). We cannot see any
traces of any crash.


Does anyone know of a Servicepack / Bugfix installed on the Domain
Controller that may propagate this change to domain members?

On the server, UAC is active, but there is no login failure in the audit
event log, so no trace of an issue there.


Is anyone aware of such an issue or can anyone point me to something?


What happened yesterday at around 02:00 PM?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Strauß
Geschäftsführer Entwicklung

SRS PaperDynamix® 


SRS-Management GmbH 
Berliner Ring 93

64625 Bensheim 
T +49 6251 85 424 - 20 
F +49 6251 85 424 - 14
M +49 174 2110912


 <http://www.srs-management.de> www.srs-management.de

 <http://www.srs-paperdynamix.de> www.srs-paperdynamix.de


HRB 25262 AG Darmstadt
Geschäftsführer: Detlev Homilius, Thomas Strauß



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