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On 4/1/2011 1:02 PM, peter sze wrote:
> I'm a beginner to apache tomcat, but I've been tasked with solving a problem
> with our tomcat servers.  Our tomcat instance is started up with one URL:
> https://www.xxx.com/server/servlet/Controller?Command=ShowDashboard<https://sm2.bonfiremedia.com/ebayserver/servlet/Controller?Command=ShowDashboard&tab=12>
> which brings up our dashboard with our server's performance.
> A second URL was created to bring up the same dashboard.
> https://www.xxx.com/s/s/Controller?Command=ShowDashboard<https://sm2.bonfiremedia.com/ebayserver/servlet/Controller?Command=ShowDashboard&tab=12>
> but unfortunately, each url starts up a different instance of the server
> with different stats.
> Is there anyway to make both URLs point to the same instance?

As Chuck says, you are saying "starts up" when you really mean "accesses".

How are you deploying your webapps? If you have more than one WAR file
in the webapps/ directory, then you are deploying two separate webapps.
If you have more than one .xml file in conf/Catalina/localhost/ then you
are deploying two separate webapps.

If you just want two URLs to point to the same servlet, it's a simple
matter of using the proper <url-pattern> in a <servlet-mapping> element
in WEB-INF/web.xml to do that.

If you are using .../servlet/Controller, I suspect you are using the
"invoker" servlet which is a really, really bad idea.

Tell us more about your configuration/setup and we can help you get what
you want.

- -chris
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