John Minchuk <> wrote:

>Quick overview of our setup. Http request

 flow from our load
>balancers, to
>squid proxys, to Apaches, to our Tomcat servers.  We migrated to this
>from an Oracle App Server.
>Apache: 2.2.3
>JVM: 1.6.0_22-b04
>Linux: 2.6.18-194.17.1.el5
>Our production environment has max threads set at 200, the number of
>threads usually hovers around 150.  About twice a day, at seemingly
>unrelated times we get a sudden spike in the number of ajp threads
>Eventually this hits our max of 200.  At this point Tomcat still seems
>responsive, but the number of our httpd processes spikes until Apache
>ups.  At this point we have monitoring software that kills and restarts
>Apache.  We then manually restart Tomcat.
>Here is a graph of the AJP Threads running.  You can see a sudden jump
>200 threads.  The other dips are most likely reloads triggered by our
>configuration management software (puppet).
>Also interesting to note, these threads (all 200) appear to be in the
>alive state.
>Our access logs don't indicate a high number of visits, or any one
>particular page that might cause this issue (that I can see).
>At this point we are stumped.  Do we spend our time tracking down
>leaks?  Is there something we could do to at least mitigate the problem
>over the holidays?  Any input greatly appreciated.

Without any configuration information it is impossible to be sure what the 
problem is.

My best guess is that httpd is configured to use persistent connections to 
Tomcat and Tomcat is using the BIO AJP connector. When connections == 
maxThreads everthing locks up. A thread dump on Tomcat will confirm this is 
what is happening.

If this is the case, possible solutions are (in my order of preference)
- disable connection reuse in https.conf (ignore the warnings about performance 
issues in the docs: the risks are overstated)
- switch to APR/native AJP in Tomcat
- switch to NIO AJP (requires Tomcat upgrade)

You also need to consider some upgrades. The versions you are running are 
rather old.


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