cc: dev

2012/1/23 kitagawa <>:
>> While developing using ubuntu 11.04, tomcat 6.0.33 and java 1.5 I ran
>> into a problem after setting the character encoding filter for
>> requests.
>> When posting a request, the value of any field with only a single
>> character submitted is cleared.
>> I also tested this issue with:
>> tomcat 6.0.32 and java 1.5 (no problem)
>> tomcat 6.0.35 and java 1.5 (same error occured)
>> tomcat 6.0.33 and java 1.6 (no problem)
>> tomcat 6.0.35 and java 1.6 (no problem)
>> This can be repeated using the RequestParamExample that comes with tomcat.
>> 1. uncomment the "Set Character Encoding" line in
>> apache-tomcat-6.0.33\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\web.xml (lines 88 and
>> 93)
>> 2. start tomcat
>> 3. go to http://localhost:8080/examples/servlets/servlet/RequestParamExample
>> and enter a single character into the first or last name fields then
>> post.
>> The entered value does not show up. Instead, the value shows up blank.
>>  If I enter two characters they appear correctly.

> I researched it some more and found a bug in Java 1.5 in
> java.nio.charset.Charset.decode() that might be the cause.
> A ticket was submitted regarding a similar problem to sun in 2004
> (patched in Java 1.6)
> Tomcat 6.0.33 r1140904 the
> /tomcat/tc6.0.x/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/
> class was changed to use java.nio.charset.Charset.decode().
> This is probably why there was no problem before in version 6.0.32.

FYI: The same issue reported against 5.5.35:

Thank you for your research. I think you are right. Though I am not
sure how much this can be fixed in Tomcat now.

1. r1140904 [1] in 6.0.33 is a fix for issue 51400.
Reverting it will reintroduce the issue.

2. The recent code that uses Charset in 5.5.35 and 6.0.35 is part of
fix for CVE-2012-0022 [2]
So a different implementation might be needed.


The good news are that it does not affect UTF-8, so using that
encoding may be a workaround.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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