Rainer Jung wrote:

No no no: as I said multiple times now, the string "...host3.mydomain.com:/mywebapp/flex_wizard_project..." in the "missing uri map" mod_jk log message means: the VirtualHost that handles "host3.mydomain.com" has not JkMount defined, so it can't map the URI "/mywebapp/flex_wizard_project". The space after the colun is just missing in the log message.

Ok, so it looks like this thread is in need of a "reset", and we need to stop speculating on what the Adobe Flex-thing may be sending in the URI. Let's assume that part is OK, and concentrate on the VirtualHost configuration, since that is where the problem seemed to originate.

Dear Original Poster, could you repost once again your current Apache + mod_jk configuration (the one currently working), preferably in a new message in plain text (not html) ?

Particularly, we will want to see the following directives :
- Listen
- NameVirtualHost

- <VirtualHost ..> sections, with each
   ServerName and ServerAlias

- Jk* directives

preferably as complete as possible, in the order in which they are in the httpd.conf, and clearly showing what is inside and outside of the <VirtualHost> sections.

And then also, the exact URL which you are using now and which works, starting with "http://(hostname)/..".

But with text-only notes, not with color or anything which doesn't really come through on this list. Assume that all of us only have very basic email clients that can show only pure text.

Somehow, it seems that keeping responding to your original message, even after editing, still messes up things rather badly, at least with my Thunderbird email client. So it may be better to type everything anew, starting with an empty message, and not copy parts of messages sent before.

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