
I'm having virtual hosts as named based virtual host in tomcat and
deploying webapps inside that virtual host. I want to provide secured
connection to access particular virtual hosts (not all) based on user
requirement. I went through the mailing list to get the idea. But
mostly, it was suggested to go for ip basis or using wild card to
support SSL in virtual host. FYI: we want to use only tomcat to
support such feature.

ip basis won't be much effective to us, since we plan to use one ip
for all the virtual host. Using wild card will degrade the performance
from user, since we ask the user to choose his own virtual host name
in our implementation.

Does there any solution exist to support SSL for named based virtual
host?  [1] suggested that tomcat is supporting SNI. But i couldn't
find any materials regarding that. Can you please provide any material
to got through to support SNI?

[1]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication#Support


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