On Tuesday 25 Apr 2006 11:19, Robin Bowes wrote:
> Bob Hutchinson wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 Apr 2006 02:07, Robin Bowes wrote:
> >> 2. Is it possible to add secondary DNS records for domains, i.e. >1 name
> >> server? If so, how?
> >
> > just add another NS record, either to the record itself or to the
> > template There are no 'primary' and 'secondary' NS records, unlike MX.
> OK, so is the Primary Nameserver listed in the SOA record different to
> the nameserver lines in the Default Records?

hmm I put that badly ;-(

The nameserver listed in SOA should also have a NS record
NS -> ns1.example.com
NS -> ns2.example.com
and so on
There should be A records for these as well, somewhere, either on your own 
server or elsewhere.

Similar for MX
MX -> mail.example.com
A -> mail.example.com -> xx.xx.xx.xx

In the default_records table you would use DOMAIN as a placeholder

I do this for every domain we have records for, so if the owner has their own 
mailserver or wants to use some other service I only have to change the dns.

I also set up A records for www ftp webmail
The last two are just my own thing, but www is probably pretty well 

If you have another box running tinydns you can just transfer the data.cdb to 
it every time there is an update to the data file, I use rsync.

Alternately if you are running a second (backup) dns server and it is working 
in that role for others, transfer the data file with a unique name and 
concatenate them all into 'data' and run make at regular intervals.

> >> 5. I'd like to see the axfr-transfer code be a little more robust and to
> >> not fail on protocol errors, i.e. it should continue with the next
> >> domain in the list and print a list of failed transfers when it finishes
> >> processing the list of domains.
> >
> > I run axfr-get from a shell script so I can catch the return codes, then
> > process the tinydns data afterwards. Sometimes it has needed munging to
> > fit into vegadns, not brilliant. If the named zone files are simple it
> > works OK.
> It seems to work fine for me, apart from when there are some rogue zone
> files on the name server I'm sucking from (e.g. the user has left a
> half-finished zone file on the server, etc.).
> Perhaps I'll see how easy it is to continue after an error and add
> another patch.
> R.

Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com

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