the method is final because overriding it means you will most likely
break the contract of the resourceKey and postprocess methods which
are meant to be used by you to customze the behavior of

so lets say you create subclass MyEnumChoiceRenderer with an
overridden getDisplayValue() that no longer calls postprocess(). then
someone subclasses your subclass and overrides postprocess() expecting
it to be called (thats what the javadoc says) but it wont be, because
you broke the contract.

having getDisplayValue() be final prevents you from breaking this
contract and saving hours of head scratching down the road.

if you look at EnumChoiceRenderer without getDisplayValue() there is
only one meaningful line of code left:

return Classes.simpleName(object.getDeclaringClass()) + '.' +;

everything else is javadoc or declarations. so why all the fuss over a
trivial line of code?


ps: ironically if you did want to override getDisplayValue() in a way
that broke the contract you would have to make your subclass final so
no one further down the road could subclass it...

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Oliver B. Fischer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried to customize EnumChoiceRenderer and to override
> getDisplayValue, but is final. Why?
> Can I submit a patch to remove final?
> Bye,
> Oliver
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