By adding the link your page becomes stateful.

So Wicket will issue a redirect to a second url with a number attached, e.g. ?1

You'll have to check what your url rewrite is doing to that redirect url.

Hope this helps


> On 25.04.2019 at 14:03,  <gaston_l>  wrote:
>  Hi, I am migrating an application using wicket and a network configuration a 
> bit weird, and i'm facing a unexpected behaviour. The network configuration: 
> outside | IIS URL rewrite | Weblogic with Wicket app The snippet : I have 
> simplified the app, so i reproduce the code on a quickstart-based app. 
> --html-- 
>   John Doe    --code-- public class HomePage extends WebPage { public 
> HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) { super(parameters); add(new 
> Label("testname", "Me")); // add(new Link("changetonl"){ // @Override // 
> public void onClick() { // this.getSession().setLocale(new Locale("nl")); // 
> } // }); } } The problem : The page as stated just higher works, but if i 
> uncomment the tag  and the add(Link), the IIS server says "http code 400" and 
> i have 503 message instead of the page. Environment : -was Weblogic 10.3 with 
> wicket 1.5.10 ->  was OK -now Weblogic 12.2 with wicket 7.11 (for now) : All 
> works when using URL directly on the WL server works when using the URL from 
> outside (through IIS url rewrite) if only Label BUT gives the problem when 
> using the URL from outside (through IIS url rewrite) if Link uncommented Do 
> you have an idea what could be the problem ? Thanks Gaston_L 
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