
thank you for the answer.
Ok, then, I have transformed my css resource into a "CssResourceReference" and added the Bootstrap css resource reference, like this:

public class MyCssResource extends CssResourceReference {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7244898174745686253L;

    public MyCssResource() {
        super(MyCssResource.class, "css/style.css");

    public List<HeaderItem> getDependencies() {
        return super.getDependencies();


but now how can I add that custom resource to the whole application?
I mean, that "style.css" resource should be used on all pages, that's why until now I add it in the html base page (see [1] as and example), but with the change above I need to add it via Java.
E.g. is it possible to add it in the "SyncopeWebApplication.java" class [2]?

Thank you!

[1] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/master/client/idrepo/enduser/src/main/resources/org/apache/syncope/client/enduser/pages/BaseEnduserWebPage.html#L37 [2] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/master/client/idrepo/enduser/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/client/enduser/SyncopeWebApplication.java

On 10/05/19 17:47, Bas Gooren wrote:

To ensure your resources render *after* bootstrap, you need to make them
dependent on the bootstrap css resource.

You can override HeaderItem#getDependencies() in your custom CssHeaderItem,
and add the bootstrap css resource to its list of dependencies.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Bas Gooren

Op 10 mei 2019 bij 17:24:43, Matteo Alessandroni (
matteo.alessandr...@tirasa.net) schreef:


I would like to know whether there is a way to decide where to place the
Bootstrap css resources in the <head> element.

I'm asking this because I have a "BookmarkablePageLink" element on page
A and, when you click it, it redirects to page B.
Now on B I see all my custom css resource files that are placed BEFORE
the Bootstrap ones, on the contrary, in page A everything is fine
because my custom css files are placed AFTER Bootstrap, so my page
styling is correct as I expect.

Is there a way to control that behaviour? Or, what could I do to make my
css resources render AFTER the Bootstrap ones?

See on [1] how I load Bootstrap from Java code.
The wrapper main page code is on [2] and [3] and the code of the child
page that is loaded and has the issue is on [4] and [5].


Thank you!

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