
You can't do this the way you described it because Ajax is initiated by the

I can propose you three options:

1) use Ajax polling
Store the messages in some data structure in the page/panel and with the
help of AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior render the collected messages

2) WebSocket
Add WebSocketBehavior (wicket-native-websocket-javax module) and publish
IWebSocketPushMessage when you receive one from Redis.
This way it will be real time instead of batching

3) Use Server Side Events - it is similar to web sockets but
You can use wicketstuff-html5 library. It has SSE support.

I would recommend you 2)


On Sat, Jun 8, 2019, 03:22 Roman Sery <romansery...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I have a question about getting access to the AjaxRequestTarget outside
> the context of an ajax request.
> What I'm trying to do is send some javascript from the server to the
> browser from a different thread where RequestCycle.get() is not available.
> From within a WebPage,  Im using Redis pub/sub channels, to subscribe to a
> channel on page load, and when there are publications to the channel, I
> need to send some JS to the browser.
> psudeo code:
> WebPage() {
> start listening to channel a123, callback Function = onMsgPublished
> }
> onMsgPublished(){
>      //do something like this
>      target.appendjavascript("alert('test')");
> }
> Any ideas or perhaps some other way to accomplish this?
> I'm using wicket 8.4.  Thanks for any help!

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