What version of wicket-bootstrap are you using?
Are there any errors in JS console?

from mobile (sorry for typos ;)

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021, 21:52 C.S. <christos.stiegl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Many thanks Sven and Martin,
> Svens suggestion (adding an AjaxEventBehavior("load")) works like a charm.
> Exactly what i was asking.
> Now the next problem is with
> #de.agilecoders.wicket.core.markup.html.bootstrap.components.TooltipBehavior
> Allthough the resulting html is now perfect (img tag pointing to a usemap
> which is filled with areas, each containing a tooltip), no tooltip pops up.
> I  have no idea what the cause may be, still debugging the Tooltip class
> and the corresponding JS.
> I will check Martins suggestion and give ClientSideImageMap a try.
> BTW: Once my code runs, i will be more than happy to contribute a code
> snippet to the wiki or to whatever document you regard more usefull.
> Regards
> Christos Stieglitz

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