Hi Lucio,

On Sa 26.02.2022 12:22, Lucio Crusca wrote:
> I'm back to Wicket after a few years of other fun. Last
> time I used Wicket was version 6 and now I've tried a new
> quickstart project with Wicket 9.x but something went wrong.
> I'm on Debian sid, using NetBeans 12.6 and Tomcat 10.0.16,
> just in case it matters.
> The code is just the sample of the Wicket quickstart,
> untouched.
> When I try to run it, it builds correctly, but the
> deploy fails with: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> javax/servlet/Filter
> I've already checked and I have servlet-api.jar in Tomcat lib
> directory, and there isn't any other servlet*.jar anywhere
> in the project folder, nor in the target directory that
> Maven builds (nor anywhere else for that matter). I've tried
> removing servlet-api.jar from the Tomcat lib directory and
> adding it as a dependency to my quickstart project, but it
> does not work since Tomcat itself fails to start in this
> case.
> My JDK version is 11.0.1.
> What am I doing wrong?

as far as I know has Tomcat 10 mmoved to the jakarta namespace.
So just use Tomcat 9 which is still using the javax namespace.


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