On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 23:15:38 +0100, you wrote:

>There was an article about Thoburn in the national daily paper De Volkskrant
>(The People's Newspaper) today. Here it is with a rebuttal.
>English "metric martyr" becomes folk hero

>The use of the old weights is allowed till 2010 by law. Most supermarkets
>use both the old and the new units because the former are familiar to the
>British consumers.

Inaccurate and misleading. They may be included, but they have no
legal standing.

Well done, Han. Perhaps you (and anyone else writing re UK
metrication) could point people at my Web site? That would allow them
to read for themselves what the legal situation is.

Metrication information: http://www.metric.org.uk/
UK legislation, EC Directives, Trading Standards links and more
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