I received this inquiry from the SI Navigator web site today.

I'm a little pressed for time at the moment (house going up for sale,
preparing for viewing, etc.), so I'd appreciate it if some of you could give
Samantha some views.

Please use the email address below, but note that the inquiry comes from
Samantha C. and not from Melanie Sullivan, the owner of the email account.

I suggest that you copy the list on any replies you send her.

Bill Potts, CMS
San Jose, CA
http://metric1.org [SI Navigator]

-----Original Message-----
From: melanie sullivan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 24, 2001 13:21
Subject: united states going metric

I'm doing a project for my science class and I would appreciate it if you
would tell me how you feel about the United States using the metric system
instead of the English system. Do you feel that the metric system is easier,
or more confusing than the English system (that we are currently using)?
What kind of effect do you think it will have on our country if we did

                                                          Thank you,
Samantha C.

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