2001 June 27
Don Moser,  Editor
Smithsonian Magazine
Suite 7100
750  9th Street NW
Washington, D.C.  20560-0951

Dear Editor Moser;

    Thank you for having Ms.Henry answer my letter to you 
about metric units in Smithsonian Magazine.

    She says of American readers “Since they understand 
customary measures, that’s what we use.”  By “customary 
measures” she likely means inch-pound units.  Smithsonian 
needs to face up to the fact that metric units are indeed 
customary in the US.

    Your readers do NOT well understand inch-pound units. 
 Perhaps you think readers of a “popular general interest
 magazine” know how many feet there are in a mile, how 
big an acre is, which is more energy - a BTU or a calorie. 
 Almost all of your readers do not know these things.

    On the other hand, most of your readers can tell you 
how many metres are in a kilometre as well as tell you 
many other features of metric measures.

    Wake up.  You do not as you say “communicate with our 
readers” if you talk inch-pound units.  You are a party 
to keeping the US the “dumbest” country in the world.

    Put metric in Smithsonian Magazine.

                Still hoping for better from you,
                        Robert H.  Bushnell

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