I have scoured the internet and I cannot find the story I mentioned to Bill
Potts, the one about how a British University genuinely did have experiments
to see why toast  landed on the carpet butter-side-up.

However, I found a similar one and I give you it here (contain your
enthusiasm at the back there, please)!!!

Murphy's law toasted
Posted Fri, 09 Mar 2001

Children from all over Britain became part of an extensive study of Murphy's
law when they began dropping hundreds of slices of buttered toast yesterday
to see which way up they would land.

"If something can go wrong, it will," is the theory established in the late
1940s by US Air Force officer Edward A. Murphy. Robert Matthews, a British
physicist from Aston University in Birmingham is one of the few scientists
not to describe the law as "silly nonsense".

"Over the years I've been studying lots of urban myths to find the science
behind them, such as standing in the slowest supermarket queue and only
being able to find odd socks," he said.

More than 150 pupils and millions of slices of toast will be involved in the
"tumbling toast experiment".

"The project is designed to encourage children to get involved in maths, the
type of maths you encounter in everyday life," Matthews said. The results of
the bizarre experiment will be published on the Internet and the sponsors
hope to break the world record for the biggest ever school project

They could just do it – if nothing goes wrong.



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