
> We've got an uphill battle to continue fighting in which we must show that in fact 
>progress has been made by the federal government since the 70s. Indeed, the 1988 
>revisions to the Metric Act, the related Executive Order, and the requirement for 
>dual labeling that all came after that time are not "seen" by most people. We have to 
>point to those things and other indications and convince people that the movement is 
>not dead, officially or otherwise. <

My take on this is that the next most easily accomplished step that will give more 
visibility to the largest segment of the populace that there continues to be forward 
movement towards metrication in the US is the amending of the FPLA to permit 
metric-only labelling and the adoption by the non-automatic states of a similar 
provision with respect to the UPLR. This will likely result in a very noticeable wave 
of products on our store shelves of products using rational SI packaging that then be 
used to provide impetus to gain more "metric mindshare" in this country.

(This admittedly is not as dramatic a step forward towards metric mindshare as 
converting the road signs in the UK would be, but then we're a lot further behind the 
UK when it comes to metrication anyway!)


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