X-News: picard.eurokom.ie local.usma:23255
From: Ezra Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Irish road speed signs (was: "Mornin'!")
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:11:17 -0800

>Nice to see you on this list this morning.
>Any bits of news on the road signage front?

No good news, I'm afraid.  I rang my contact in the Dept of Environment and
got the same vague response.  Effectively no progress has been made, as they
are trying to work out funding and logistics.  The Budget is due in about two
weeks which should sort some of this out, so I'll try again after that.

I must say it looks suspiciously like the flurry of committee activity was
simply to get the deadline extended, and that they lost any sense of
urgency when it was, but then I'm probably a little cynical by now.

Tom Wade, EuroKom | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (all domain mailers).
Dale House        | X400:   g=tom;s=wade;o=eurokom;p=eurokom;a=eirmail400;c=ie
30, Dale Road     | Tel:      +353 (1) 278-7878
Stillorgan        | Fax:      +353 (1) 278-7879                        
Co Dublin         | Disclaimer:  This is not a disclaimer
Ireland           | Tip:         "Friends don't let friends do Unix !"

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