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for warnings on three very nasty viruses. This is definitely *no hoax* as I
got this from
the Symantec Security Response site. The viruses are related tot he
terrorist actions.
The W32 Vote virus  family.

W32.Vote.B@mm is one of them.

"AntiTerrorism.exe" is the attachment. Then it is sent ot all addresses in
the address book.
Afterwards it goes to work.

Norton AntiVirus detects it as Backdoor.Trojan


Large scale e-mailing: Emails all contacts in the Microsoft Outlook
Deletes files: Formats the C: drive. If it fails, it will attempt to delete
all files in the Windows folder after reboot
Modifies files: *.htm and *.html files will be overwritten
Compromises security settings: If the Backdoor.Trojan was installed, anyone
on the internet has full access to the computer.


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