
There is no reason why such a trade association can not still take place,
but excluding the USA.  By the Spanish and Portuguese speaking nations of
South America forming a quasi-union, they can be a more effective voice when
it comes to dealing with giants like the US.  In this case they can tell the
US what to do and what system of measurement they will tolerate with in
their area.

A United front is more effective against an stronger power then a divided
one.  I hope they reconsider their move and still consider a move to unify
to some degree.


----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 2001-12-13 11:02
Subject: [USMA:16626] Extra, extra... Great news!...

> I've just learned that several countries in South America have strongly
positioned themselves against the future ALCA (FTAA) due to the very
protectionist content of America's recently approved "fast track" piece of
> Brazil, in particular, has even passed a motion yesterday afternoon in
urgency character to require our government to stop any future negotiations
for the implementation of ALCA.  All our President and key ministers,
specially Mr. Pratini from Agriculture, already made strong statements
affirming that, as it now stands, ALCA is DEAD, period!!!
> These are great news indeed!  I salute this development immensely as I'm
dead against this hideous unilateral FT agreement that would only benefit
the rich and powerful!  Alas!...  Death to ifp!...  :-(
> Marcus
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