In fact, the weather is absolutely crazy and upside down in Europe! Italy is
on the battlefield between cold Siberian air and warm Meditteranean air.
Torrential rain south, heavy snow north. Greece: up to a meter of snow.
Spain: lots of rain and snow. On the other hand, warm air masses have
penetrated into the polar regions. Iceland was above 10 degrees, Jan Mayen
(70 degrees North) last Friday 9.3 degrees, then in the night the
temperature plummeted to -6 degrees with a cold front. Northwestern Europe
is dull, gray and relatively mild. It will be 5 to 7 degrees to-day. All
this is being caused by a very strong anticyclone over the British Isles. It
causes the outbreak of cold air in southern Europe and warm air that steers
around it through the north reaches Scandinavia and Northwestern Europe.
However, changes are on the way: snow and cold air are coming and we may
have this year what is very rare: a White Christmas! Usually Christmas is
warm here because of Atlantic lows which see to it that we get plenty of
warm air. This phenomenon is called the Christmans Low and the Germans call
it Weihnachts Tauwetter. (Christmas Thaw).


----- Original Message -----
From: kilopascal
To: U.S. Metric Association
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:13 AM
Subject: [USMA:16704] "Something like this has no equal in history"



The Italian News Service must have a different translater for English today.
There is no inclusion of FFU.

The cold front blowing in from the east that has been inundating Italy with
polar-like conditions is expected to last until tomorrow. It is the coldest
December recorded for the nation in the past 30 years. Travel conditions
remain poor in both Calabria and Basilicata, while a snowstorm in the
province of Potenza has closed schools. The A-3 Salerno-Reggio highway was
shutdown for several hours, and several ships were unable to dock in Porto
Torres due to high winds. Travel to and from the Eolian Islands off the
coast of Sicily has been barred for the last 24 hours. Despite a drop in
wind velocity, conditions remain icy in Umbria and Trieste. In Tarvisio,
near Udine, a low of -15 degrees Celsius was recorded last night.

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