
I have a feeling, that in the wake of the recent conference at Laeken, that
those whose heart is not fully in Europe will meet the same fate as
Ruggiero.  Italy was against the Europe wide police arrest warrant at first,
but gave in at the last moment.

I feel that it won't be long before all Europeans realise how important the
Union means to their standard of living and how integrated they already are.
Once the "other" national coins begin appearing in the pockets of Europeans
along with the coins of their home country, they will see and be constantly
reminded how integrated they real are.

When some of the recent immigrants to my area start complaining about how a
unified Europe will destroy their culture, I tell them they are full of
shit.  I ask them what type of music and food is popular in their homeland
now and lo and behold, it is western (American) rock and pizzas and
hamburgers.  How many people in the "old" country still wear traditional
costumes?  None, except maybe for festivals.  They all wear the same
fashions everyone else does in the west.   Many even speak English.

And to top it off, their culture could not have meant much to them, if they
left their homeland to come to the US to live.  They have no trouble
adapting because they have the same culture in their homeland as we do here.
So who is anyone kidding?

So, all this talk about preserving some ancient culture is pure crap.
Eventually, the national languages will be replaced by English.  Let's just
hope that the world is able to kill FFU first so that it won't follow the
national languages in to use in metric countries.


----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 2002-01-06 10:50
Subject: [USMA:17265] Re: Italian minister quits in euro row

> At 9:52 -0500 02/01/6, kilopascal wrote:
> >Prior to his decision to resign, Mr Ruggiero had warned that Italy's
> >traditional commitment to the EU was at risk.
> Sure, since Berlusconi's arrival, Italy is dragging her feet in the
> European integration march.
> But Berlusconi is not Italy. Italians will recall the old good times
> of de Gasperi and other Italian leaders committed to Europe. And EU
> is strong enough to survive this minor setback.
> Louis

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