On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 13:09:45   
 Joseph B. Reid wrote:
>I suspect that Marcus confuses digit length and word length.  A decimal
>digit requires 4 binary digits or bits.  Word length can be anything from 8
>bits in the IBM 1408 and 1410 up to 64 bits in the last Control Data
>computer.  The Control Data 6600 had a 60-bit word.
As a matter of clarification, I didn't want to use programmer's jargon here as I don't 
know how many here would be used to computer technology technical terms.  But, 
evidently, what I meant was related to the concept of word length.  Not with regards 
to defining what a byte is, which has already been established as 8 bits.  I couldn't 
care less about that aspect.  This is something we all learn in our basic year at 
school of any computer-related degree program.  In the end though you won't even see 
us, professionals, make use of such things anymore.  It's all about # of bits that 
matters in the end, and how hardware are built around that amount.


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