
Hee Hee Hee Haw Haw Haw!!!  I'm sorry, but I can't control my laughter.
Kelley is not a lady.  He is a man.  But, then again we don't know what he
does in private.

You can write him, his e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I really don't
want to bother with him anymore.  He is a luddite, set in his ways, enjoying
the fact that SI can be corrupted.  He isn't worth my time.


----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 2002-01-06 17:04
Subject: [USMA:17296] SI orthodoxy?...

> On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 16:08:09
>  kilopascal wrote:
> ...
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Kelley L. Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "kilopascal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Sunday, 2002-01-06 15:00
> >Subject: Re: Binary Prefixes
> >...The
> >> one-size-fits-all metric system has its advantages mathematically, but
> >> there are also disadvantages.
> Please, John, convey the following message to this lady for me, if you
> Where are the *disadvantages*???  Honestly!  Just because a prefixed size
may not be entirely convenient valuewise does not impart the SI system any
disadvantage whatsoever.  So what if a certain value for a measurement would
be 130 nm, instead of 13 angstroms?!  This is akin to my having difficulties
relating to 70 cL as opposed to 700 mL!  Eventually one gets used to the
values one uses in their profession.  At least with SI we would be able to
communicate seemlessly, whether you like cL or mL!!!
> As far as a *system* is concerned, please read my lips: there just isn't
ANY disadvantage about the SI whatsoever, period!  We live in a decimal-base
system society, therefore, it stands to reason that one should use a
perfectly compatible type of measuring system, that would integrate would
that seemlessly.  There simply can be no other choice for that.
>   I am therefore not entirely sympathetic to
> >> the vigorous enforcement of SI orthodoxy...
> Finally, this is not about 'SI orthodoxy', but about avoiding the trap of
coming up with "convenient" sizes for every application under the sun!  THAT
is the nightmare we must avoid AT ALL COSTS, as it would open up the
Pandora's worm can.  I'd rather choose a slightly shorter or longer prefixed
SI unit than to have to handle an inferno number of "convenient" sizes to
measure every aspect of my professional life around me!
> Therefore, I'd strongly suggest you revisit the issue of 'SI orthodoxy' in
light of the above.  It's much more advantageous for us to tolerate the
slight inconvenience of a slightly smaller or bigger value than to create
exceptions every time a certain field would come up with their own
"convenient sizes"!
> Have a nice day.
> Marcus
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