My guess for producing "a tilde" on a PC would be Alt-0227. That's based
on the extended ASCII table.


Louis JOURDAN wrote:
> At 7:19 -0800 02/02/7, Ma Be wrote:
> >Hmm...  Let's see if this will work:
> >0571
> Did you really mean that ?
> >Since I'm at it.  Would you know of any means I could print the
> >elusive "a~" (a with the tilde *on top of it*).  I can't find any
> >easy way to print this anywhere...  Thanks for any info you could
> >provide me on this.
>  : on my Mac I get it in typing "Alt" and then "a". Don't ask me
> how it works, rather tell me if you receive it properly.
> Louis

Metric Methods(SM)           "Don't be late to metricate!"
James R. Frysinger, CAMS
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