Marcus and other interested list members,

By golly, I found that link to Bob Baumel's web page on "Using Special
Characters on Web Pages: Cross-Platform Considerations" by Bob Baumel.
His page is at
It turns out that I had it as a reference on my "Rules on [SI] Usage"
page at
in case your bookmarks get lost, as mine did.

On Bob's page (in the first paragraph) is a link to his Unicode Test
and about halfway down that page is a short table with the characters I
provided earlier plus enya (n tilde). Those are characters he considers
likely to come out alright on PCs and Macs.

Bob does an excellent job of presenting the differences among Windows
OS, Mac OS, and Unix as well as an opportunity to test your own system.
For the newcomers, he used to be a regular contributor here.

I still caution people that "common" set of characters are no guarantee.
My Low Tech SI page suggestions are probably safer to use.


Metric Methods(SM)           "Don't be late to metricate!"
James R. Frysinger, CAMS
10 Captiva Row               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407         phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

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