
You can go to the preferences and pick millimetres.  The default may be
inches when it is downloaded from an English language server.  Some
software, Microsoft products included, will set their defaults to metric
when sold in non-English countries.  It is funny that Microsoft, and others
only give you two choices of measurement systems: SI and US customary.  None
give you the 1600 choices Tony Bennett says the UN finds still in use.  It
would seem that the final battle of the measurement systems is really
between SI and US customary.  I have a feeling that even if the UK were to
stick to non-metric,  imperial would soon die out and US customary would
become the standard.

I even feel the US wants metric to wipe out all the rest of the world's
units.  It is much easier for US customary to replace metric than for it to
replace other versions of FFU.  This is the problem the French had.  It was
far easier to start with a whole new system then to try to reform the
confused French system at the time.  If the government would have decided to
use all the Parisian standards, then the people in the provinces would have
rebelled, each arguing for their version to be standard.  Then, what about
the other countries?  The Germans would have had their versions, the
Italians theirs, the Spanish theirs, etc.  It wouldn't be until now with the
advent of the EU that someone would have had to decide to standardise
weights and measures just like they did with the Euro for money.


----- Original Message -----
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 2002-05-12 09:23
Subject: [USMA:20010] Adobe

> > Of M R
> > Subject: [USMA:20009] Fwd: Re: American Strength
> >
> > If you get a Windows XP/MS Office with inches as
> > default unit of measurement,  then it is FFU item.
> The same applies to Adobe Acrobat Reader. The page size at the bottom
> left uses inches.
> --
> Terry Simpson
> Human Factors Consultant
> www.connected-systems.com
> Phone: +44 7850 511794

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