Bill writes

>Obviously, Jim is a sly so-and-so for having kept this a secret during all
>the discussion about Metric Today's format.
>Congratulations Jim (and Darren) and thank you. And, lest we forget,
>continued thanks to Valerie Antoine for the editing job she does, on a
>volunteer basis, issue after issue.

I'm not sly, just discreet -- it was not my place to make any announcements 
about the ongoing work.

However, for all those who have harped about not using A4 paper before: the 
newsletter is printed as two A3 sheets on 19x25" oversize printer sheets, 
then trimmed to A3 after printing, then folded to A4.

QSI's marketing assistant spent about 12 hours getting quotes from printers 
and paper suppliers, trying to locate an appropriate sheet size, paper 
style, paper weight, paper color and compatible printer. She's tenacious 
enough that she eventually succeeded, but only after we agreed to buy a six 
month's supply of paper up front, which had to be ordered from distribution 
center and shipped to Utah.

In other words, saying "just use A3/A4 paper" is equivalent to saying "I 
have no idea what I am talking about when it comes to printing." As with so 
many things, what looks so simple in the end result often takes far more 
work and expertise in the making than a lay person realizes.

Jim Elwell
Electrical Engineer
Industrial manufacturing manager
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

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