On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 08:09:59  
 Jim Elwell wrote:
>At 12:33 AM, 8 October 2002 -0700, Ma Be wrote:
>>But he has made it crystal clear what it was, Jim.  He simply HATES metric 
>>units, period.  The bla-bla-bla about 'my customers don't want it' is 
>>*hogwash* and *he knows it*!  I dare and challenge him to *prove* beyond 
>>any reasonable doubt before any court that ALL his customers ONLY wanted 
>>decrepit units!!!  Ah-ha!
>>Just like all of a sudden people would have to stop riding horses and 
>>driving cars to continue on with enjoying progress and prosperity, 
>>Jim!!!!!  If you don't want that, fine, become an Amish, a Quaker or 
>>whatever and leave the market alone, will ya???
>>That is called progress.  Everyone pays the price for this normal 
>>development in today's society.  If you own a 286 computer and insist on 
>>saying, why do I need to buy me a new one if this one works perfectly 
>>well, the day will come when he finds he simply cannot go on like this 
>>without significantly alienating himself and out of the loop!
>If customers hate buying in pounds, if he has obsolete equipment, if he 
>wants to still "ride a horse," why do we need to prosecute him?
>He will go out of business on his own.
Theoretically, potentially, yes, Jim.  But, please do not forget that if he receives 
the support of a significant number of others to perpetuate this state of affairs he 
may not.  However, please note that the main issue here is the discussion of the role 
govs need to or play in regards to rules and regulations!

If govs stipulate rules and regulations for the economy to follow and procedures for 
certification of instruments, it's within their mandate and their job to make sure 
these are followed by ALL, *no exceptions*!  Evidently they have the respite of the 
law if they don't.  And this is precisely the case here with these 'metric martyr' 
guys.  But perhaps you would want to discuss the very principle of "punishment" when 
it comes to enforcing such regulations.  In that case, then, fine, perhaps it would be 
an interesting topic for discussion, and perhaps we may end up converging in our 
opinions on this.


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