Hi Bill:
If Adam and Eve are 'human forefathers'; what does "The aliens ..." mean? We remain aliens till our minds meet!
Brij B. Vij TIME: to think Metric!<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <And Calendar too>

From: "Bill Potts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [USMA:24330] RE: Evolution -- NOT AN SI TOPIC
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 15:49:31 -0800


I was with you all the way until the sentence starting with "The aliens ..."

At that point, you and I parted company -- in a big way.

'Nuff said.

Bill Potts, CMS
Roseville, CA
http://metric1.org [SI Navigator]

>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of kilopascal
>Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 15:40
>To: U.S. Metric Association
>Subject: [USMA:24329] RE: Evolution
>If I'm not mistaken, the Hebrew word Yom, which is translated as
>Day has two
>One is a literal 24 h day, from sunset to sunset. (I'm not sure if the
>daylight part of the day is also called Yom)
>The other is a long period of time, such as an era or epoch.
>The Bible is not clear as to which meaning is meant.
>One thing is certain, either the translators of Genesis did a bad job or
>there is some very poor logic in the order of things. God created space,
>the earth (no other stars or planets), light, day and night all on
>the first
>day, but did not create the sun and stars until the third day.
>So, what was
>the source of the light between the creation of light on the first
>day until
>the sun was created on the third day? And how do we measure day and night
>without the sun?
>Also, it appears that space was (and still is) filled with water. On the
>second day God created a dome over the earth to separate the waters above
>the dome from the waters below (sea, oceans). This makes no
>sense. We know
>this is not true.
>And folks, this is what the teachers of "Intelligent Design" want us to
>If I'm not mistaken, the Greeks and other cultures believed that the
>physical world came out of chaos. This seems like a simple way of
>expressing the big bang and evolution.
>I believe that our ancestors knew the truth, but somewhere the truth became
>corrupted and misinterpreted. The aliens who came here some 10 000 years
>ago and re-engineered the evolved life on this planet must have known how
>the universe was created and taught it to our ancestors. But, over time
>what was taught became corrupted and we have what remains. Only a small
>grain of the truth shines through.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joseph B. Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, 2003-01-02 14:51
>Subject: [USMA:24323] RE: Evolution
>> Marcus:
>> Do you believe that God created everything in six days, or in a few
>> billion years?
>> --
>> Joseph B. Reid
>> 17 Glebe Road West
>> Toronto M5P 1C8 Telephone 416-486-6071

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